Regarding gradual measures to visit Japan from Vietnam and Thailand

Q Please tell us what kind of procedure is necessary for the stepwise measures for resuming your visit to Japan from Thailand and Vietnam.
Please check the summary of the gradual measures for the resumption of international traffic as announced on July 22.
This article explains the procedures for re-entry as a med- to long-term resident after leaving Japan with a re-entry permit or new-entry after receiving the Certificate of Eligibility.
- Residence track (for mid- to long-term residents)
*Need to wait for 14 days after entering Japan
Target person
- Those who have Thai or Vietnamese nationality, reside in a same country of their nationality and come to Japan by direct flight
- Status residence is “Business Manager”, “Intra-company transferee”, “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Service”, “Nursing Care”, “Highly Skilled Professional”, “Technical Intern Training”, “Specified Skilled Worker”, etc.
Procedure (for new entry)
① Apply for a visa to an Overseas Diplomatic Establishment (=Japanese Embassy in overseas)
<Required documents>
(1) Visa application form (*) https://www.mofa.go.jp/files/000124525.pdf
(2) Passport
(3) COE original and copy *If more than 3 months after its issue date, explanation letter is also required.
(4) Pledge letter (*) Original and copy (Issued by host company)
Form: Https://www.hcmcgj.vn.emb-japan.go.jp/visa/seiyakusho.pdf
Original to be returned to applicant, because it’s also required examination of landing.
(5) Questionnaire (*) Original and copy
Form for Vietnam: Https://www.hcmcgj.vn.emb-japan.go.jp/visa/shitsumonhyou.pdf
Vietnamese : https://www.vn.emb-japan.go.jp/files/100077501.pdf
Form for Thailand is now under confirmation.
(6) Other documents required for ordinal visa application
② What the person should do before leaving the country
(1) Health monitoring 14 days before entering Japan
Body temperature is checked and recorded daily. If you have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher or other symptoms, you have to stop traveling.
(2) Obtain “Certificate of negative result” for PCR test within 72 hours of departure time of boarding flight
(3) Take a policy on private medical insurance in case of illness in Japan, covering the period before joining public health insurance in Japan.
(4) Set location information storage in the map application on applicant’s smartphone.
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000652555.pdf (※Japanese Only)
⇒ Company must get consent letter from applicant in advance for the storage of location information and provision of information.
(5) Installation of contact confirmation application after entry and confirmation of settings
(6) Disseminating information about the LINE app report to the applicant
https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/000652556.pdf (※Japanese Only)
③ Things to do in the airplane
(1) Receive the “questionnaire” on the airplane you are going to travel to and fill in health monitoring and contact information in Japan.
④ Things to do at Japanese airports
(1) Documents required for quarantine
a) Submit a pledge (created by a company)
b) Submit the “questionnaire” filled in on board
c) Presentation of “Certificate of negative result” for PCR test
(2) Documents required for landing examination
a) Presentation of passport (with visa)
b) Original COE *If more than 3 months after its issue date, explanation letter is also required.
c) Submission of ““Certificate of negative result” for PCR test
d) Confirm the setting status of the LINE app, contact confirmation app, map app, etc.
* Make yourself aware of the three apps
e) PCR test at the port of entry
⑤ Things to do after entering Japan
a) Every day for 14 days after entering the country, report the health condition to the public health center using LINE. * Foreigners report to the person in charge of the business, and the person in charge of the business reports to the public health center via LINE every day.
Foreigners can report directly to the public health center if they can speak LINE in Japanese.
b) Set up a contact confirmation application and use the function for 14 days after entering Japan
c) Start saving the location information of the map application for 14 days after entering Japan
d) The means of transportation for 14 days after entering the country will be private car, company owned car, rental car, or a limousine taxi.
e) Wait at home or accommodation for 14 days after entering Japan
Procedure (for re-entry)
① Application for the confirmation of submission of documents related to re-entry to an Overseas Diplomatic Establishment (=Japanese Embassy in overseas)
<Required Documents>
(1) Application Form for Letter of Confirmation of Submitting Required Documentation for Re-entry
(2) Passport
(3) The copy of Passport face photo page, re-entry permit page and copy of both sides of ED card
(4) Original and copy of residence card
(5) Original pledge and copy
(6) Original questionnaire and copy (in the case of Vietnam. The case of Thailand is under confirmation.)
As for the procedures “② What the person should do before leaving the country” and after, it is the same as description of procedure (for new entry).
<Related URL>
・Ministry of Foreign Affairs website: Phased Measures for Resuming Cross-Border Travel (7/31)
・Embassy of Japan in Vietnam HP: Vietnamese visa application and travel (with 8/5)
https://www.vn.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/corona0722.html (JAPANESE)
https://www.vn.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/corona22072020.html (VIETNAMESE)
・Consulate-General of Japan in Ho Chi Minh HP: Vietnamese people apply for visa visits to Japan and travel (with 7/23)
https://www.hcmcgj.vn.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/11_000001_00173.html (JAPANESE)
・Embassy of Japan in Thailand HP : Consular Affairs